Straumann, “The Energy of Concepts: The Role of Concepts in Long-Term Intellectual History and Social Reality,” Journal of the Philosophy of History (2020)
Straumann, “‘The laws are in charge of the magistrates’:
reply to Edelstein, Sullivan and Springborg,” Global Intellectual History (2019)
Straumann, “The Rule of Law: Sociology or Normative Theory? An Afterword to Martti Koskenniemi’s Foreword,” European Journal of International Law (2019)
Straumann, “Wer ist souverän - das Volk oder das Recht? Die Vordenker der amerikanischen Verfassung haben bei Cicero gelernt, was republikanisch ist,” NZZ (2021)
Straumann, “Is the Law the Soul of the State?” European Journal of International Law (2021)
de Nicolay, “Licentia: Cicero on the Suicide of Political Communities,” Classical Philology (2021)
de Nicolay, “Philosopher-King on a Leash: Combining Plato’s Republic, Statesman and Laws in the Justinianic Dialogue On Political Science,” AGPh (2022)
de Nicolay, “Cicero’s Political Philosophy in Its Republican Context - Review Schofield, Cicero: Political Philosophy,” The Classical Review (2021)
Edelstein and Straumann, “Roman Rights Talk: Subjective Rights in Cicero and Livy,” History of Political Thought (2022)
Dymond, “Human Character and the Formation of the State: Reconsidering Machiavelli and Polybius 6,” Journal of the History of Ideas (2021)
de Nicolay, “Théorie et pratique de la pistis chez Polybe,” Historia (2023)
Gazette Tulliana Interview with Straumann on Ciceronian ERC Project
de Nicolay, “The Birth of Unlawful Freedom in Plato’s Laws 3,” Polis (2021)
Piergiacomi, “Review Maso, Cicero’s Philosophy,” Ciceroniana Online 6.2 (2022)
Straumann, “Sociability,” in The Cambridge Companion to Hugo Grotius (2021)