Workshop “Demokratie – Freiheit – Gerechtigkeit”, organisiert von Nikolas Hächler und Riccarda Schmid, Keynotes von Thomas Maissen und Valentina Arena, UZH KOL-G-217 (22.-23. Mai, 2025) Program
Benjamin Straumann, “Justice, not happiness: Cicero’s political thought,” Research seminar series at Eötvös József Research Centre, University of Public Service, Budapest/online (10-11, April 9, 2025) Program
Prof. Dr. Jens Timmermann (St Andrews), “Kant und das Brett des Karneades,” JustCity presentation, UZH CUB-G-05 (10-12, March 12, 2025)
Podiumsdiskussion mit José Luis Alonso (UZH), Dirk Lüddecke (Universität der Bundeswehr, München) und Benjamin Straumann (UZH) zum Orelli-Tag 2025, Universität Zürich, Rämistrasse 71, Aula (15 Uhr, 1. Februar 2025) Flyer
Dr. Jeffrey Dymond, “Natural Law and History in Early Modern Jurisprudence,” for panel organised by Dr. Dymond on “The limits of rationalism: historical perspectives from the natural law tradition,” 2025 British and Irish Association of Political Thought Conference, University of York (January 9-11, 2025)
Dr. Signy Gutnick Allen, “‘A Study of the Good of Others’: Metaphors of Perception Hutcheson’s Theory of Benevolence,” for panel organised by Dr. Dymond on “The limits of rationalism: historical perspectives from the natural law tradition,” 2025 British and Irish Association of Political Thought Conference, University of York (January 9-11, 2025)
Dr. Omar El Manfalouty (UZH), “A Continuation of Rome by Other Means: Sacred Authority and Political Power in the Early Caliphate,” JustCity presentation, UZH CUB-G-05 (10-12, December 18, 2024)
Dr. Alberto Esu, “Divided Power and Judicial Review: graphê paranomôn in the Decision-Making of poleis,” JustCity presentation, UZH CUB-G-05 (10-12, November 13, 2024)
Dr. Ana Kotarcic, “La rencontre entre Cicéron et l’Intelligence Artificielle : la détection automatique de similarités sémantiques,” Nec ut interpres sed ut… philosophus: Pourquoi éditer et commenter encore les textes philosophiques cicéroniens? Colloque international, Sorbonne Université, Salle des Actes, 54, Rue St-Jacques, 75005 Paris (6 Novembre, 2024) Flyer
Dr. Nikolas Hächler, “Combining the History of Ideas with the History of Institutions: Christian Intellectuals and the Establishment of the Church in Late Antiquity as a Case Study”, Workshop on Methods in Philosophy, Linköping University (August 16, 2024)
Dr. Nikolas Hächler wins a UZH Teaching Fund Global Innovation Grant, with Dr. Costero-Quiroga (Madrid), for their project “Bearers of Knowledge and Networks of Education in Antiquity and the Middle Ages.” Congratulations!
Dr. Thierry Hirsch, “Cicero’s De inventione: Date of Composition and Sources,” JustCity/ZAZH presentation, UZH, Schönberggasse 1, NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE: SOE-E-01 (10:15-12, June 19, 2024) Flyer
Benjamin Straumann, “Justice Towards the Lowliest: A Conceptual Matrix for Human Rights in Cicero?”, Workshop: Debating Matthias Mahlmann’s Mind and Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich (June 6-7, 2024) Link
Jeffrey Dymond, "Law and the Body Politic in the Renaissance,” Conference on "Body Politic(s) - The Body in Early Modern Political Thought,” University of Aarhus (May 10, 2024)
Jeffrey Dymond, "Association and Corporation in Early Modern Jurisprudence," History of Political Ideas Seminar, Institute of Historical Research London (April 24, 2024)
Nikolas Hächler, “Justice in Byzantium: Observations on the Notion of dykaiosyne for the Organization of the Early Byzantine State in the Dialogus de scientia politica”, 2024 Spring Symposium in Byzantine Studies, Justice in Byzantium, University of Kent (April 14, 2024)
Jeffrey Dymond, “Aristotle’s Politics in the Quattrocento”, Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL (March 21, 2024) Link
Ana Kotarcic, “De inventione 2.155-176 – une carte routière vers la théorie politique de Cicéron”, Lecturae Ciceronis 2024: Le De inventione entre philosophie, droit et rhétorique, Colloque international, Sorbonne Université, 54, Rue St Jacques, 75005 Paris (21 Mars 2024) Program
Prof. Dr. Richard Bourke (Cambridge), “Political Thought and Its Discontents”, JustCity presentation, UZH, Culmannstrasse 1, CUB-G-05 (10-12, March 20, 2024)
Prof. Dr. Adrian Brändli (FHNW), “Unfriendly Friendship: Ambrose on amicitia,” JustCity presentation, UZH, Culmannstrasse 1, CUB-G-05 (10-12, March 6, 2024)
Dr. Signy Gutnick Allen wins a UZH Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme Grant, for her project “The Undeserving Poor? Debates over the Criminalization of Idleness in Early Modern European Thought (1670-1740)”, with the University of Amsterdam as partner institution. Congratulations!
Jeffrey Dymond, "Greek Social Theory in Machiavelli's Florence", International Machiavelli Society Inaugural Conference, Università Roma Tre (December 15, 2023)
Nikolas Hächler, “Wohltätigkeit als Ausdruck christlicher iustitia. Zur Rezeption von Ciceros Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen bei Laktanz, Ambrosius und Augustinus”, Universität zu Köln (14. Dezember 2023)
Dr. Simon Weber (Bonn), “Aristotle and Subjective Rights”, JustCity presentation, UZH, Culmannstrasse 1, CUB-G-05 (December 13, 2023)
Dr. Tue Öhler Søvsø (Heidelberg), “Cicero’s Definition of res publica (Rep. 1.39)”, JustCity presentation, UZH, Culmannstrasse 1, CUB-G-05 (December 7, 2023)
Nikolas Hächler, “Krisen und Krisenbewältigung unter Kaiser Herakleios (610-614). Einblicke in eine bewegte Herrschaft und deren Folgen für das oströmisch-byzantinische Reich”, Krisen im Mittelalter: Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung «Zürcher Mediävistik», Universität Zürich (14. November 2023)
Nikolas Hächler, “Lactantius- Ambrose - Augustine. Leading voices in the polyphonic discourse on notions of Christian justice in Late Antiquity”, Conference of the Leibnitz Prize Project “The Polyphony of Late Antique Christianity”, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (October 11, 2023)
Signy Gutnick Allen, “Hobbes and Ferguson”, Conference of the European Hobbes Society on Hobbes and the Enlightenment, Universität Regensburg (August 8-10, 2023) Program
Signy Gutnick Allen, “Adam Ferguson and the Fall of the Roman Republic”, ISECS Conference, Sapienza Università di Roma (July 3-7, 2023)
Nikolas Hächler, "Die Rezeption von Ciceros Gerechtigkeitsbegriff bei Ambrosius von Mailand und die Folgen für die christlichen Armen- und Krankenfürsorge", Universität Düsseldorf (26. Juni, 2023)
Signy Gutnick Allen, “‘A Title to Another’s Plenty’: Rights of Charity in Locke’s Political Thought”, Workshop with Susanne Sreedhar and Barbara Arneil, University of Amsterdam (June 26, 2023)
Dr. Benjamin Mueser (Columbia), “State, Empire, and Territory in Christian Wolff’s International Thought”, JustCity presentation, Culmannstrasse 1, CUB-G-05 (10-12, June 21, 2023)
Prof. Dr. András Szigeti (Linköping/Lund), “The Limits of Goodwill”, JustCity presentation, Culmannstrasse 1, CUB-G-05 (10-12, June 15, 2023)
Benjamin Straumann, “Consensus and Transparence: Cicero and Kant on Justice", Kolloquium zur Philosophiegeschichte, Universität Bonn (12. Juni, 2023)
Dr. Jesse James (Harvard), “The Laws of All the Greeks: International Law as Social Reality", Gastvortrag HS/ZAZH, UZH Zentrum, KO2-F-155 (2-4pm, May 31, 2023) Flyer
Prof. Dr. Dan Edelstein (Stanford), "The Last of the Polybians (1764-1787)”, JustCity presentation, Culmannstrasse 1 (4-6pm, May 17, 2023)
Benjamin Straumann, “Cicero and Kant on Justice", Colloquium Political Philosophy, Universität Zürich, Ethikzentrum, Raum ZOA-E-14, Zollikerstrasse 117 (2-4pm, May 17, 2023)
Dr. Adam Lebovitz (Cambridge), "Dictatorship in America, 1775-1788”, JustCity presentation, Culmannstrasse 1 (May 10, 2023)
Signy Gutnick Allen, “Locke’s Theory of Economic Citizenship: Natural Law, Property and Charity”, Natural Law and Domestic Government Conference, KU Leuven (April 27-28, 2023)
Jeffrey Dymond, “Association and Corporation in Humanist Jurisprudence”, Natural Law and Domestic Government Conference, KU Leuven (April 27-28, 2023)
Nikolas Hächler, "Die Rezeption von Ciceros Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen bei Ambrosius von Mailand im Kontext christlicher Armen- und Krankenfürsorge unter Theodosius I.", Universität Mannheim (24. April, 2023)
Nikolas Hächler, "Nutzen und Gefahren von Emotionen in Laktanz' Institutiones divinae", 42. Metageitnia, Universität Basel (14. Januar, 2023) Link
Panel with Jeff Dymond, Signy Gutnick Allen, James Harris and Sophie Smith, "The Early Modern State: Debates and Legacies", Britain and Ireland Association of Political Thought Annual Conference, St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford (January 5, 2023) Link
Benjamin Straumann, “Roman Rights Talk: Subjective Rights in Cicero and Livy" (paper co-authored with Dan Edelstein), Zürcher Ausspracheabende zur Rechtsgeschichte, University of Zurich, School of Law, 6:15pm, KOL-E-13 (December 8, 2022) Link
Riccarda Schmid, “Framing in Athenian Public Discourse: A Case Study of Aeschines II”, JustCity presentation, Culmannstrasse 1, 10am (November 30, 2022)
Online Town Hall with Scott Nelson, Benjamin Straumann and Caroline Winterer, “Cicero and the Constitution”, National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, PA, 12pm ET/6pm CET (November 18, 2022) Video link
Nikolas Hächler, “Beobachtungen zum Umgang mit Christenkörpern im kaiserzeitlichen Imperium Romanum und zur Forderung absoluter Gerechtigkeit in den Schriften Laktanz’", Tagung zum Körper im politischen Diskurs der Antike, Universität Bern (18. November, 2022) Link
Benjamin Straumann, “On the Liberties of the Ancients: Licentiousness, Equal Rights, and the Rule of Law” (co-authored with Dan Edelstein), Political Thought and Intellectual History Seminar, Cambridge University, Old Divinity School Main Lecture Theatre, St John's College, 5:15pm (November 14, 2022)
Benjamin Straumann, Roundtable with Prof. Tongdong Bai (Fudan/NYU), “Law and Morality in Early China and the Roman Empire”, University of Notre Dame (September 29, 2022, Zoom) Link
Nikolas Hächler, “The transcending properties of paideia. Overcoming socio-political boundaries at royal courts during Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages through the performative display of education”, IMC Leeds (July 4-7, 2022)
Nikolas Hächler, “Exempla docent. Bedeutung paradigmatischer Vorstellungen für die Funktionsweise mediterraner Gesellschaften des 4.-8. Jhs”, Internationale Konferenz, Universität Zürich, Historisches Seminar (9.-10. Juni 2022)
Dr. Hwa Young Kim (LSE), “Contemporary Disputes about Justice: Liberal Egalitarianism, Socialism, and Libertarianism”, JustCity presentation, Culmannstrasse 1 (June 8, 2022)
Prof. Dr. Andrew Monson (NYU), “Taxing Wealth in the Just City: Cicero and the Roman Census", JustCity presentation, Culmannstrasse 1 (May 25, 2022)
Nikolas Hächler, “Uses and limitations for the justification and establishment of usurped dominion in the Gallic and Palmyrene Empire”, 15th Impact of Empire Workshop, Nijmegen (May 18-22, 2022)
Prof. Dr. Peter Schröder (UCL), “Widmung und Vorwort in der Geschichte des frühneuzeitlichen politischen Denkens", JustCity presentation, Culmannstrasse 1 (May 4, 2022)
Benjamin Straumann, “Gerechtigkeit ohne Rechte? Zu den antiken Ursprüngen der Grund- und Menschenrechte", ZAZH-Ringvorlesung, UZH, KOL-G-201 (Aula), (12. April, 2022) Watch video
Benjamin Straumann, “Roman Rights Talk: Subjective Rights in Cicero and Livy" (paper co-authored with Dan Edelstein), Yale Political Theory Workshop, Yale University, (March 29, 2022) Link
Benjamin Straumann, “The Rule of Merit and the Merit of Rules", Oxford Political Thought Seminar, Oxford University, New College, Lecture Room 6 or Zoom (March 4, 2022) Link
René de Nicolay, “Ideal or Empirical Political Theory? The Dialogue On Political Science Between Plato and Cicero", Conference "Reshaping the World: Utopias, Ideals and Aspirations in Late Antiquity and Byzantium", Oxford University Byzantine Society (February 26, 2022) Link
Conversation with Dr. Rob Goodman (Toronto), about his book Words on Fire: Eloquence and Its Conditions, Cambridge University Press, 2022, JustCity presentation, Culmannstrasse 1 (February 2, 2022)
Dr. Alberto Esu, “Honour and Offices in the Greek World", JustCity presentation, Culmannstrasse 1 (December 15, 2021)
Benjamin Straumann, “Keeping Women out of Politics", Workshop Prof. Dr. Giulia Sissa, Collegium Helveticum (December 10, 2021) Video link
René de Nicolay, “The Multiple Bases of Imperial Power in the Justinianic Dialogue On Political Science", University of Cambridge online-workshop “Securing Power in the Sixt-Century Roman Empire” (December 7, 2021) Link
Dr. Signy Gutnick Allen, “Rights of Charity in Locke’s Political Thought”, Geschichtskontor HS UZH, KOL-G-203 (October 26, 2021, 16.15-18.00)
Benjamin Straumann, “Thucydides, Hobbes, and the Melian Dialogue”, Forschungslunch am Institut für Völkerrecht und ausländisches Verfassungsrecht der UZH (October 14, 2021) Link
Dr. Nikolas Hächler, “Accessing the landscapes of the Late Roman Ecumene with the 'Expositio totius mundi et gentium'“, University of London, School of Advanced Study, Institute of Classical Studies (October 14, 2021, start: 17:30) Link
Dr. Signy Gutnick Allen on Representation and the Right to Punish in Hobbes, APSA Panel (October 3, 2021, 5:00 to 6:30pm CEST) Link
Dr. Signy Gutnick Allen, APSA Panel on Relevance of Early Modern Political Thought (October 1, 2021, 3:00 to 4:30pm CEST) Link
Princeton Political Philosophy Colloquium (February 4, 2021) Link
Straumann on Constitutionalism and the Emergence of Political Order (July 21, 2020) Listen
What Causes the Downfall of Republics, by Ümit Yoker (UZH Magazin 1/2020) Read more
Nearly 12 Million Euros for Outstanding UZH Research (December 10, 2019) Read more
Die Bedeutung der Antike für die Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Antrittsvorlesung Benjamin Straumann (Universität Zürich, October 28, 2019) Watch video